| Journal #3
So I like listening to music and making music. And I make remixes so I need music to remix right? Where do I get this music? Spotify, no. Deezer, no. SoundCloud, no. YouTube, yes. But I cant do So I need a solution! Let me just search YouTube video download.
NO I am not lazy. Just kidding I am! That's why I am programming it in python.
- Scroll To the bottom of this blog then click the GitHub Repo.
- Go to
- Copy the code into your IDE
- Make Sure You Have A disc ‘D’ if you don’t I will talk about this later
- Run Your Code
- It will ask you: Enter the video URL:
- Go to YouTube and copy your video URL then enter it.
- It will ask you: Download as an MP3? (yes/no):
- If you want it as an Mp3 then say ‘yes’ if you don’t then enter ‘no’
- It will ask you: Enter the file name with extension that you desire:
- THIS IS IMPORTANT! Enter a name for your video. Then the important part is: If on step 9 you said ‘yes’ then add .mp3 to your name if you said ‘no’ add .mp4 to your name.
- If you get an error like this: An error occurred: regex_search: could not find match for (?:v=|\/)([0–9A-Za-z_-]{11}).* that means your URL is not valid. But if it downloaded it should say ‘Download Completed’
I want to download my Video into another folder OR I don't have Disk D:
(If you changed the script that may have changed the instructions for you)
Steps for Not Having Disk D:
1. Go to Line 41
2. Change download_directory = r’D:\’ to wherever you want it to go. So if you want it to go to disk C change it to this ‘download_directory = r’C:\’’
Most popular extension: download_directory = r’C:\Users\My-Windows-User\CrazyDownloads’ You need to make a Folder Called exactly ‘CrazyDownloads’ for this and change ‘My-Windows-User’ to your username on windows
Steps for changing folder:
1. Go to Line 41
2. Go To Disk D or whatever you changed your disk to.
3. Make a Folder Called whatever you want
4. Then on Line 41 Change ‘download_directory = r’D:\’’ to ‘download_directory = r’D:\Folder-Name-You-Made’’
5. Change ‘Folder-Name-You-Made’ to the Folder name you made (Well duh you guys aren’t stupid haha)
Hopefully This Tutorial Helped. It was really fun to make. Obviously this is malware free( Like Always ). I also hope you can use this and that i explained how you can change directories. The links will Probably be below :)
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GitHub Repo: GitHub Repo | Journal #3